Saturday, March 23, 2024

Reasons Marijuana Clone Saplings Have Better Survival Chance

You decide to polish your skills as being marijuana grower. You have to understand that most growers today select clone saplings. 

You can purchase the best quality clones from The Clone Conservatory dispensary. The best dispensary will educate growers to take necessary precautions so the clones may grow healthy. 

Clones have genetic uniformity 

  • Clone saplings are exact replicas of the parent plants
  • The saplings are more consistent as they carry the same set of genes
  • Clone saplings will easily survive in harsh environmental conditions 

You can select clone saplings easily that inherit the healthy genes from the parent plant. This improves their chance of survival much better as compared to seeds. 

No genetic variance 

You can look around for Marijuana Plants for Sale that are the best traits. The clones taken from the same plants will also have the same traits. You can never be sure if you purchase seeds. 

You discover the traits of the seeds only after the germination stage. Most seeds that have genetic variations may not germinate on time. Seeds are more susceptible to damage as compared to clone saplings. 

Resistance to disease 

Clone saplings are more disease-resistant and healthy. Seeds may not be resistant to disease and pests. It is easy to check if the clones are infested or not. 

You can Buy Marijuana Clones that are not infested by pests and diseases. You just have to identify healthy saplings before purchasing. This task is easy.

For clone saplings, it is also easy for growers to mix multiple traits that can guarantee the best yield. You may not have to struggle with failures.


For more information, you can visit our website and call us at (424) 427-4777

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